A service of the Vocational Research Institute, founded in 1964

How will career counseling be different in 10 years?

It’ll be different, that’s for sure. But here’s what we know: Now is the time to discover how the fields of career planning and workforce development will evolve to provide more accurate and human-centric insights into your job seekers' pathways.

Download our exclusive free guide: Career Counseling in 2034: The Technology Report.


Begin preparing for 2034, today.

Technological advancements bring both excitement and trepidation as we find ourselves at the nascent stages of this workforce revolution. Now is the time to delve into the possibilities before it's too late to implement them. Career counseling is entering a phase of exploration and anticipation for what lies in front of us. Here's how to make sure you're ahead of the curve.

Download our free guide to...

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Build Your Expertise as a Career Counseling Leader

Grow your position as a leader in the field by deepening your understanding of tomorrow’s technology trends across AI, AR, and machine learning, today!

Spark Your Imagination

Gain a sneak peek into the future of career counseling and stay ahead of the curve, placing you light years ahead of your competitors and colleagues.

Empower Your Clients

Arm yourself with the latest knowledge to help you guide your job seekers by using the newest technology.

About CareerScope

CareerScope provides career planning software used by workforce professionals to guide people in transition toward their best-fit careers. Grounded in tested methods developed over a half century ago, the CareerScope assessment is the most widely-used research-driven aptitude and interest assessment, serving thousands of organizations and millions of students and job seekers. We are committed to continuous improvement of our technology in service of the career counselors who depend on it by increasing the precision and relevance of our career recommendation engine.